Practice Exercises

Make time to practice and improve

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

The challenge exercises are a fun way to help you practice using the 4 Pโ€™s, conciseness and creative thinking. Practice alone or join a live interactive session. The goal is progress, not perfection.

Challenge question

You have 60, 45 or 30 seconds to answer an impromptu question from a speaker or listener. The goal is to provide a logical & concise response within the selected timeframe. You can pose a challenge question to the host or cohosts. We grow together!

random topic

You have 60 seconds to create a story, explain a process, describe the characteristics or share an experience about a random topic. It could be basketball, computers, entrepreneurship, microwaves, etc. The goal is to be clever, creative and have fun!

read a script

You may chose to read from a variety of scripts such as tv commercials, phone messages, movie trailers, PSAs or others. The goal is to engage listeners with the tone and emotion of the script as you read it. Don't just read the words, tell the story.

tongue twister

The goal is to engage listeners and articulate the message of the story while navigating the tongue twisting chaos. This will help you process your thoughts faster over time, slow down your pace and enunciate your words.

Random Topic Challenges

Tongue Twisters

Practice Scripts